I miss you! You used to come to the Gallery with “acquiring minds”…
You used to tell me about your walls and sculpture gardens and office suites.
You would call the Gallery, in advance of your arrival in Santa Fe, to tell me that you were eager to find a new painting for your dining room…or a second piece by an artist whose work you purchased the year before that continued to thrill you…or a drawing for your daughter’s birthday…or a sculpture for the atrium in your new corporate headquarters…
You haven’t been in contact for a while. I want you to know that the Gallery is still here. We still mount beautiful exhibitions by many exceptional emerging and mid-career artists. We have some astonishing, innovative paintings, photographs, sculptures by deeply serious artists. There are even “blue chip” works for you to consider for that spot in the library…or the guest room…or the beach house…
You must be tired of discussing these strange economic times of ours. You must crave opportunities to find some sort of respite from the news that serves mainly to anger, annoy, confuse and scare…Surely it’s time to step away from the anxiety that arises from too much concern for the negative “what ifs” that bombard us every day and time to move towards the peaceful and provocative intentions of splendid works of ART that have within them the ability to give beauty and meaning to our daily lives.
Come back. We’re waiting for you, prepared for you. Let’s restore the symbiotic relationship we had with one another. Let’s celebrate the healing possibilities that can be found in the wonderful world of Art. Let’s keep Artists afloat while we turn our attention to the many possibilities for success, inspiration and satisfaction that accrue to those who put the creative aspects of our society in places of importance---where they belong!!
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